
Nivel Intermedio B2

Congratulations on your achievement! You got the majority of the questions correct.

The classes will be focused on challenging your english level with different types of topics that will have you do critical thinking. Everything from economics, psychology, sales, government and much more. 

Writing will be an important aspect to work on to improve your emails, reports, presentations and much more. 

The idea is for you to be able to express yourself in a wide array of subjects.

Make sure you know this one

The majority of the people don't know that voy a poder is… i am going to be able to. Practice here now.

Improve your writing


power english cursos de inglés

Habla inglés en 6 meses

Son clases de inglés personalizadas para ti. Llena este formulario & agenda una videollamada para darte tu línea de estudio.